MERN Stack

MERN stack is the name given to a set of JavaScript based technologies used in developing web applications. MERN is the acronym name given to the set of technologies including Mongo DB, Express JS, React JS/ Redux and Node JS. Among these technologies Mongo DB is a database system, Node JS is a back-end runtime environment, Express JS is a back-end web framework and React is a front-end framework.

Course Contents

Mongo DB

1. Environment
2. Data Modeling
3. Create Database
4. Drop Database
5. Create Collection
6. Drop Collection
7. Data Types
8. Insert Document
9. Query Document
10. Update Document
11. Delete Document
12. Projection
13. Limiting Records
14. Sorting Records
15. Indexing
16. Aggregation
17. Replication
18. Sharding
19. Create Backup
20. Deployment

Express JS

1. Introduction
2. Environment setup & Installation
3. Routing
4. Middleware
5. Templating
6. Form Data
7. Database
8. Cookies
9. Sessions
10. Authentication
11. Restful API’s

React Js

1. Introduction
2. Environment setup & Installation
3. Using JSX
4. Components
5. State
6. Props
7. Component Life Cycle
8. Refs
9. Keys
10. Flux Concept
11. Animations

Node Js

1. Introduction
2. Environment setup & Installation
3. First Application in Node Js
4. NPM
5. Callback Concept
6. Events
7. Buffers
8. Streams
9. File Systems
10. Global Objects
11. Web Module